If you have any concerns or complains about the actions of Wide Horizons, a
member of our Team or anyone affiliated with us, please submit a complaint in
writing to
Safeguarding Officer: Aung Than
The complaint should outline:
A clear, detailed description of what the complaint is about, when it happened and who is involved.
Copies of any letters, emails or other evidence related to the complaint.
The complainant’s email address, phone number or postal address (so we can reply).
Wide Horizons will respect and protect the confidentiality of the complainant or whistle‐blower and gives an assurance that WH will not reveal the identity of the whistle‐blower to any third‐party where possible (sometimes it is not possible i.e cases investigated by the police, or the court orders disclosure).
Policy & GuiDelines
Wide Horizons’ Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy and Guidelines
Wide Horizons (WH) considers it a duty and priority to protect the safety and well-being of children and vulnerable adults. Therefore, WH treats children and vulnerable adults with respect regardless of race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national, ethnic or social origin, property, disability, birth or other status in line with the UN’s Convention of the Rights of the Child (CRC). Wide Horizons’ Child Protection Policy follows the CRC and the policies set forth by Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Task Force (PSEA). Wide Horizons adopts a zero tolerance approach to child abuse, exploitation and child pornography.
Wide Horizons’ Bullying, Sexual Harassment and Abuse Policy & Guideline
Wide Horizons (WH) promotes the respect and protection of all its employees, partners, and primary stakeholders against all forms of emotional, physical and sexual misconduct and/or aggression. Everyone has a right to their physical and mental integrity, while those in breach will be held accountable. Employees of Wide Horizons or any other person involved in our activities responsible for such behavior or conduct shall be subject to disciplinary measures and/or termination of contract.
Wide Horizons’ Procedure for Managing Complaints
Wide Horizons believes it is our responsibility to establish a clear policy which enables people to be able to raise and solve issues in order for individuals to learn and improve. In addition, Wide Horizons has the responsibility to ensure that complaints are dealt with in a fair, consistent and speedy way.