Every year the WH students receive Video Editing Video Training at Wide Horizons . The training covers three main activities such as way to plan for the video shooting, way to shoot video and way to edit video. WH students actively participate in the training and every year, they apply training skills to create video clip connected to their project.
Here is some of the student’s video clips !!!.
Wide Horizons Eco brick Video 2021
Students from Wide Horizons have created a video on how plastic bottles can be reused as an Eco Brick. In this video, the disadvantages of disposable plastic items, the duration of destruction and the step-by-step process of making Eco-Brick out of discarded plastic containers. This video footage is for the Gulf of Mottama Project. It was funded by the Waste Management Program for environmental conservation and geometry redevelopment. The Gulf of Mottama Project is a private project of the Swiss Development and Cooperation (SDC).
Global Hand Washing Day @ Wide Horizons 15/10/2021
WH would like to share an awareness video created by the WH WASH project group about washing hands the right way and how to make homemade hand gel. Every day, we do many activities such as going to the market, using the toilet, handling animals and doing housework etc. After doing such activities, we sometimes touch our face, and eat food without washing our hands. As a consequence, bacteria can enter and spread easily to our body and can cause many diseases such as diarrhea, Colds, Flu and Covid-19. Washing hands the right way protects our health and family and can reduce those diseases and Covid-19. Wash your hands frequently, use soap and water and carry hand gel to protect your health. Supported by the Gulf of Mottama Project. #GulfofMottamaProject #Myanmar #internationalhandwashingday #GoMP #usesoap #homemade #handwashing #washyourhands
Wide Horizons Bio Sand Water Filter
Use clean water for your health!
Bio-Sand Water Filter System constructed by the Wide Horizon's Students with support from the Gulf of Mottama Project. Enjoy watching!
How to make Doormats from Recycled Motorbike Innertube
In 2020, the students implemented a fundraising project to produce and sell eco-friendly doormats made from recycled motorcycle inner tubes. These products were made by our 2020 Academic year students and we sold each mat for 8,000 kyat (not including transportation). The money went towards supporting future students’ stationery and medicine costs.
International Handwashing Day @ Wide Horizons 15/10/2020
On International Hand Washing Day 2020, Wide Horizons students made this video showing how to make home-made soap and the seven steps of hand washing. Supported by the Gulf of Mottama Project.
Reduce using plastic to create beautiful world.
Reduce using plastic to create beautiful world.
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Please share our final video in our online waste management campaign!