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Youth Empowerment Training Project

● To improve skills and self-confident of youth in Thway Thout section.

● Provide 24 hours basic computer training for 20 youth in Thway Thout section to aware computer knowledge and how computer skills is useful/support for their jobs opportunities in October 2018.
● Organize 1-day youth and self - confidence awareness workshop for youth in Thway Thout section on October 20th to know their self-worth and to continue their future with self-confidence.


Youth are the new generation of the future. However, youth in Thway Thout section of Mawlamyine have less skills and opportunities for their jobs in life. It causes social and economic problems. To reduce the problems which youth faced, we propose to provide 24 hours computer training to acquire job opportunities and one day workshop to be more unity, to improve their self-confidence, and to get more good relationship in the section.

Youth in Thway Thout section have less skills and less job opportunities. There are over 40 youth in the section as our research. The causes of youth problems are less self-confidence, lack of educational opportunities and education system in Myanmar are not including practical curriculum in school. At the same time, when they attend the school, the teachers are lack of teacher training and lack of resource for their class. As a result, Thway Thout youth drop out early from school mostly at grade (6) and (7).

Lack of youth skills and job opportunities at Thway Thout section effect to their social skills and economy. According to our survey, Myo Min Naing who is youth leader in Thway Thout Section said, “Youth’s economy can effect to youth unity and communication”. Most of youth in Thway Thout section have less income in rain season because they cannot work in construction in raining season, they do not have a chance to choose other jobs except construction, and sewing, and they also have less skills and self - confidence to find another jobs. Then, they cannot support to their families in raining season and their families will become in debt.

Project (Solution)

According to our survey, to solve this problems, we will provide computer training and “youth and self-confidence awareness workshop” can be improved their skills to acquire job opportunities and they will know their self-worth and continue their future with confidence. We choose this solution because most of youth boys and girls are interested in computer training. According to Myanmar Information Management Unit (MIMU) reported, “Youth need relevant skills for the local economy”. Therefore computer is one of the job skill to acquire job opportunities in nowadays and it can help them in their current jobs such as typing skill, construction, and copy shop worker.

In conclusion, lack of youth skills are a grave issue in Thway Thout section, causing social and economy problem, but it can be reduced by providing computer training. Thway Thout youth will know about how to use computer. After they have computer skills, they will have some job opportunities to work in rain season and they can go to job and can support their families anyway. On the other hand, they will be able to continue to learn more about higher computer skills and sharing their computer knowledge to new generation with confidence. Youth will know more about how computer is useful, they will be interested and learn more because nowadays most of jobs are requesting people who have computer skills.

Power in Numbers

Thway Thout


40 Participants


8 Student Organizers


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